Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Kudos, Publix.

So my options were 1) watch my sisters, including the baby, while mom went to the grocery store or 2) take the list and do the shopping myself. I opted for the shopping.

I realized that I hadn't been in Publix in a really long time. It was nice :) and I knew that I wouldn't be running into any Southeastern students. Because North Lakeland is like it's own city. There are people here that will never meet the people who live in South Lakeland. The atmosphere is pretty different. North Lakeland is home. While I did not run into classmates, I ran into a handful of people that I know: people from the church I used to attend, B&N coworkers and customers, my old piano teacher :) people from the community.

To add to this general feeling of happiness and good will that I got from grocery shopping, while I was walking through the aisles She & Him's "Why Don't You Let Me Stay Here?" was playing and while I was waiting in the line at the deli, there was an older black lady who looked exactly like Rose from Lost. And she was sweet :)

All in all it was a nice experience and I realized how much I missed hanging around the northside. I also realized that even though I'm in college and supposed to be going through that "I never wanna settle down, I'm scared of getting older" thing... it's not scary to me. I don't fear the days when I'll be grocery shopping for a family that belongs to me, seeing the same friendly faces in the grocery store every week. And I'm not really the house-keeping type (I'm barely the dorm-keeping type). It's not about housewifery. It's about the community.

1 comment:

Chris said...

This makes me so happy. I love the Northside Publix. I live close enough to walk. And I do my shopping with headphones on. Because I know no one. It really is a different world! We should hang out sometime. I got your call and didn't return it. (I'm not good at that kind of stuff, either!)