Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ol' Reliable.

I think I've realized that I'm not a very reliable person. Not when it comes to getting things done, anyway... examples: it's taken me three days to bring my submissions to school so I can switch with Mike (who read his on time). Also, I read the submissions last night, and I've had them for months. I never do my homework. I told Justin I'd come to starbucks and I didn't. I forgot I had to babysit my sisters and wouldn't have shown up if I hadn't called my mom. I'm late for most meetings I attend. I'm bad at calling people back or replying to emails. I'm usually late for work. I'm bad at returning clothes/books/movies that I borrow. I start projects and never finish them (or finish them right at the last minute).

The list goes on. So I'm sorry if I've ever let you down, it's really not a reflection on how I feel about you, it's just cause when it comes to these things, I'm less considerate than I should be.

1 comment:

the art of being ______ said...

haha, I love you katie. this is why you really should marry someone like me. ;)

I love the way you are, though. you're so spontaneous, & you really aren't as bad as you think-- i've seen MUCH worse disorganization in my life. & remember: even though you wait until the last minute, you use the last minute to complete the task.

just because you procrastinate doesn't mean you don't get anything done.