Sunday, October 26, 2008

I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.

My favorite thing to do now is driving with my windows down. I really am the happiest then, which is funny because I'm alone. Driving with people in my car is a foreign thing to me, thanks to my parents' rules. When I drive alone, windows down, wind blowing around and through my car, music blowing with the wind, I can be aware of so many things. It's like I open up to the world because I'm not distracted (unless I let myself get distracted.) Tonight I looked at the sky and the whole thing looked like a rainbow–orangey-red scaling up to deep indigo. And I listened to Johnny Cash, which I probably wouldn't have listened to if someone else was in the car with me. And I sang along, which I probably wouldn't have done if someone was with me. Because even for a person that doesn't really "care" what people think of her, I'm still aware all the time. You can't help but be aware. If you're not aware, then you're completely detached from everyone else. And I'm definitely not detached.

Madi made lots of faces at me today. We're friends.

1 comment:

The Confetti Monster said...

being unique is lovely/scary/wonderful
[i always sing along because i need the therapy, you know]