Sunday, November 30, 2008

San Francisco is ringing in my head.

You know when something from the past sneaks into your life in little ways? Yeah. I moved away from Oakland 4 years ago, but for some reason these days San Francisco is calling me back. Weird little coincidences like Steve posting a blog about the city, went and saw Four Christmases (bleh...) and it was set there, Hannah asked where "that San Francisco picture went" (it's in my room, above my bed), and when I flipped to a random poem to write a journal entry about tonight, I flipped to "North of San Francisco."

Though I never actually lived IN the city, I wanted to sooooo badly. It was the glorious light in my dim 13th year spent in smoggy, smelly Oakland.

So let's go, you and I, When the evening is spread out against the sky.

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