Monday, January 12, 2009

JFK said "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable."

I've been thinking about peace and violence and the world, and I think it's interesting that the world seems to even itself out. In the 60's, the peace movement was in response to the Vietnam war and the overwhelming culture of violence that it brought. The peaceful civil rights movement was a successful non-violent protest that actually brought about change, and it happened in that same time period. There's a smattering of that peace movement today: unfortunately, it's mostly just a fashion, but I really think that there is more people that really believe in peace and social justice today than there has been in a long time. Today it is a response to our wars and the wars that daily tear apart the middle east.

It gives me hope. Hope that no matter how much evil and darkness there is in the world, people see to it that the world does not become overwhelmed. We are never completely lost. There is always some remnant of light and hope in the world, and as the forces of darkness grow, it too becomes stronger. Somewhere you can always find a pulse. God has not forsaken us.


the art of being ______ said...

I love you katie.

the art of being ______ said...

hahaha, katie. never watch Skins. that would be ridiculous. it's the filthiest show i've ever seen. :)

I mean, it's the BEST but, it's full of tons of inappropriate things. & I don't want your mind totally corrupted if I can help it. :D