Friday, May 15, 2009


So, I watched the Office finale, and if you haven't seen it and don't wanna know, stop reading :) Or the Lost finale, for that matter...

I know that the comedy has gone downhill a bit since the earlier seasons, and they're obviously pandering to their new audience, the majority. And the majority like stupid comedy, hook ups and pregnancies. But honestly, I still love it. I know it's simple and universal, but there's something warming about seeing happy people (even fake happy people.) Because I know that love and life do exist and that they're not fantasies.

Also: OMGLOST. I don't know what it is about that show, but it literally consumed about 1/4th of my thoughts since the finale. I love Jacob and who he turned out to be. I kinda thought he'd be evil, but he's basically the Good Guy. He believes in people and that they're capable of succeeding, not just destroying eachother. He's Jesus. And Ben is the ultimate example of Human Sin and selfishness. What about me? He says. Well... what about you? It's not about you...
I DIED when Juliet fell. And I have no idea what's going to happen. But I suspect that history will have changed and they won't crash on the island, as planned. But if Lost's idea of destiny is true, all the people who are meant to be together, and all the people who are meant to die, will still happen. You know? Like Eternal Sunshine.

Sad that my only post in a month is about tv shows. But this is my life, friends. I go to school, go to work, spend time with people I love, and get absorbed by good stories. The end.

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